Robert Cairns Robert Cairns

Why are some trees worth more than others?

One of the first things we do in a timber conversion case is hire an arborist to appraise the lost value of the trees that have been cut or harmed. When landowners receive their tree appraisal they often have questions about how the trees were valued and why some trees are worth more than others.

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Robert Cairns Robert Cairns

Do I need permission to cut down my own trees?

While most people understand intuitively that they cannot cut down another person's trees without that person's permission, it's not as obvious that you may need to get permission to cut down your own trees on your own property.

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Robert Cairns Robert Cairns

What is a boundary tree?

A boundary tree is a tree whose trunk is located on the property line between two land lots. The tree is on the boundary between the two lots, hence the name. Boundary trees create unique issues for land owners and for tree law.

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